Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge Klungholmen, 4100 Jørpeland

Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge

85 Anmeldelser
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Om virksomheten

Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge — Stian Heimlund Skjæveland | Solspeilet er plassert på Klungholmen i skjærgården utenfor Jørpeland i Strand kommune. Kunstverket er produsert i rustfritt stål og ble ferdigstilt september 2016 etter tre års arbeid. Verket ligner en egyptisk pyramide og er 8 meter høyt og rager 14 moh. Solspeilet er dekorert med historiske symboler, runer og ornamenter fra blant annet Osebergskipet. Ryfylkes nye attraksjon og landemerke er omkranset av 12 bautasteiner som har en diameter på 8 meter.


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Klungholmen, 4100 Jørpeland


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  • Inngang for rullestolbrukere
  • LHBTQ+-vennlig
  • Vennlig mot transkjønnede

Anbefalte Anmeldelser

Alethea Maguire-Cruz
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
“Once in a while a valiant artist sinks his teeth into the ancient history of artmaking, confounding the expected principles of geometry and spins the easel, eave, earth… on its axis. Stian Heimlund Skjæveland is one of these artists. His built paintings and weathered monoliths are a tactile rearrangement of materials derived from nature, native to traditional landscape painting and sculptural land art. The armored, impasto skin of his tactile canvases illogically breathe with luminous atmosphere, while his ambitious ‘Solspeilet’ (Sun Mirror/The Norweigian Stonehenge), erects a twelve 3m standing stone circle with an 8m polished steel central pyramid (a diameter of 8m, 14m above water level), that dissolves into thin air (reflecting sea, sky and land). Stian swaps enduring elements such as metallic lustre for oscillating aether. In each case he is bending mass and energy. Light is perhaps the key principle in his work. It is a trickster, much like the Great Plains Native American Lakota’s sacred ‘Heyokha,’ functioning as a lighting bolt... a playful Thunder Being (i.e. Thor/Loki), a celebration of life, thus good medicine for dark times.”- Alethea Maguire-Cruz / Fellow Artist
Gloria Swarna Gomes
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
It is a nice island to walk for a little time, the mirrory sculpture can be seen from the island. But when we went sun wasn’t at the right place to reflect the shine. But I liked the concept.
Edmond Zsolt Etlinger
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
Solspeilet er ikke så spesielt, men natur er fin her.
Raymond Eckholm
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
Amazing piece of art, perfectly located and a very welcoming artist as well as available cultural monument.
Steinar Vadla Risa
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
Jørpeland har fått en etterlengtet attraksjon i Solspeilet, The Norwegian Stonehenge. Ryfylkes største kunstverk kan sees fra Holmen, også en ny attraksjon for folk flest i Ryfylkebyen.Å beskue Solspeilet i forskjellige «sollys» forsterker opplevelsen. Besøk Jørpeland, gå en runde i Byparken. Det er en flott naturopplevelse som gir kraft for kropp og sjel. Enjoy this artwork. Artist Stian Heimlund Skjæveland.
Margrét Ásgerður Þorsteinsdóttir
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
The sun mirror itself is only accessible via boat (or if you are brave, you can swim). The island you do walk around is however great for outdoor recreation. If that is running or the playgrounds or looking at all the amazing wood sculptures then this is worth while.
Erlend Bergsagel
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
Sjekk plass for ungene med bra brygge, kunne godt hatt noen benker eller lignende.
Jan Erik Pedersen
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge
To be calling this thing the norwegian Stonehenge" is mocking a more then 2000 year old Stonehenge in the U.K.. Shame on you"

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Klungholmen, 4100 Jørpeland
Solspeilet - The Norwegian Stonehenge